ahavat ammi

The Shocking Prophecy of Gaza, Gog and Magog and the Coming of Mashiach

Rabbi Dr. Shapira's Important Message to Christians about The Last Days

Prophetic! A Christian Pastor Addresses Anti-Semitism within Christianity in the Last Days!

Rabbi Dr. Shapira Live: The Jewish Rapture and The Last Days – Part Alef

Has The 'Prince of Peace' Arrived or Gog and Magog? The Shocking End Times Prophecy!

The 2000 Years old Damascus Code and The Fall of Edom

Worldwide Shacharit and Torah Service for Shabbat Tetzaveh 5785

A Impressionante Profecia sobre Gaza, Gogue e Magogue e a Vinda do Mashiach

Shacharit for Yom Alef

The Deal is Signed! What is Next? Prophecy Revealed with Rabbi Dr. Itzhak Shapira

Israel at War – The Shocking Interview with Former SHABAK Official Adi Carmi and Rabbi Dr. Shapira

Decoding the Hostage Deal Final Moments: Are YOU READY for Gog and Magog?

The Sinwar code and the Fall of Edom - A Message ahead of Gog and Magog

Ahavat Ammi International Announce Torah Revival Preparing The Remnant Conference in Australia!

The Prophetic Lecha Lecha message for all of us for Election Day!

The Beginning of The End - a worldwide release

Worldwide Shacharit and Torah Service for Shabbat Beshalach 5785

100 Gates 100 Shofarot: Worldwide Study of the Akeidah

The Prophetic warning to the 'Free World' and the coming of Mshiach

Hanukkah and the Light of Mashiach Night Bet: Yoetz

Israel is at War - Strategic Update from Rabbi Dr. Shapira

Hanukkah and the Light of Mashiach Night Alef: Pele

Worldwide Shacharit and Torah Service for Shabbat Noach 5785

Worldwide Bar Mitzvah Shacharit and Torah Service for Shabbat Miketz 5785